August 2024

I recently read a quote from Edith Wharton "There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it". June Halper was a candle among us for many years, spreading her knowledge, wisdom and love. June never hid any of her light. She shared it freely with all. When I look at IOMSN, I see June reflected in us, her Nursing colleagues, all over the world.

Last spring, we surveyed Nurses in an attempt to better understand what you wanted and how IOMSN could meet your needs. We came together at CMSC Nursing Roundtable for further conversation. You let us know and we have heard you. Our Board and Committees are assessing and planning practical approaches to your suggestions. A summary of the survey will be available on the website soon.

We find ourselves in stressful times. It seems like we can't catch our breath. Burnout, grief and depression affect so many. IOMSN is very much about relationships and caring for each other - it's one of the things that makes us unique. So, over the next year, we are going to develop resources, on the website, for nurses needing support. Our first piece has been posted and I encourage you to spend a few moments with Megan Weigel as she walks us through the gentle Seva Stress Relief video.

It has been an honor and a privilege to have known June. IOMSN and the work that June loved so much is critical to nurses, caring for people living with MS, around the world. I look forward to continuing in this, together, with all of you.


Bonnie Blain, RN, CNN(C), MSCN
President - International Organization of MS Nurses (IOMSN)