Linda Morgante

In memory of our dear colleague Linda Morgante, this award is presented each year for the poster which best represents a spirit of optimism and possibility related to clinical care or education for patients with MS and their families.

This award was named in honor of Linda Morgante, whose vision of HOPE has changed the face of Multiple Sclerosis nursing. Linda was one of the founding members of the IOMSN, contributed to numerous articles and books on the topic of MS nursing and spoke internationally and extensively on MS nursing and the importance of HOPE.

Hope is an essential element of life - it embodies our vision of the future, our opinion of ourselves and others, and our sense of control over the events and direction of our lives. Hope's presence for someone suffering from a chronic debilitating illness can provide the energy necessary to promote health, and enhance well-being

Linda Morgante

Linda believed the experience of hope was limitless and empowering. She proved that in all that she did in nursing, in IOMSN, and in teaching. Her memory and vision of HOPE lives on through her family, friends, patients, and students.


• The poster must include the Concept of Hope in some aspect
• Membership in IOMSN is NOT required
• A committee will review the posters at the CMSC Annual Meeting and rate (using a 0 - 4 grading system). The past and current president of IOMSN may provide input into the scoring
• The candidate must recognize the behaviors that reflect hope and identify variables that make an impact on the process of hoping

* The award will be presented at the CMSC business meeting.


Kathleen Costello, Jacqueline Rosenthal, Kalina Sanders, Christopher Wells, and Paige Kennon

(PGM02) Black Community Meet-Ups an Opportunity to Connect, Share and Learn from HCPs and Each Other


Emily Blosberg, BS and Andrea Blosberg, BA, MA, Mr. Oscar Monkey, Menomonie, WI

(MOC20) Can Shared Experiences in Community Change Perspective?

Nora Garland, MSW, LSW, MSCS, Hannah Gilmore, BA, Dina Jacobs, MD, Sona Narula, MD and Vanessa Zimmerman, MSN, RN, MSCN, Neurology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

(PGM01) Exploring Benefits, To Both Patients and Healthcare Providers, of A Dedicated Support Group for Young Adult Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

Cortnee Roman1, Leah Gaedeke2, Celeste Fine3, Katrina Bawden1, Denise R. Bruen4, Lisa M. Fox5, Meagan A. Adamson6, Bryan Walker7

1 Rocky Mountain Multiple Sclerosis Clinic and Research Group, Salt Lake City, UT; 2 Providence Multiple Sclerosis Center, Portland, OR; 3 Gilbert Neurology, Gilbert, AZ; 4 University of Virginia, James Q. Miller MS Center of Excellence, Charlottesville, VA; 5 Neurology/Neuroimmunology, Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Baltimore, MD; 6 Neurology Center of Fairfax, Ltd, Fairfax, VA; 7Duke University Division of MS and Neuroimmunology, Durham, NC

(PSY03) The Art of the Patient Conversation: Advanced Practice Provider Perspectives to Improve Outcomes in Multiple Sclerosis

Kathleen Healey, NP, PhD1, Renee Stewart, DNP2, Aubrie Lindner, MA2, Daryl Kucera, BS3 and Rana K. Zabad, MD4

1. Neurologial Sciences, University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE; 2. Neurological Sciences, Nebraska Medicine, Omaha, NE; 3. MS Forward, Omaha, NE; 4. Neurologial Sciences, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE

PGM03 - Serving to Empower: The EASE Program, a Community-University Partnership
Meghan Garabedian, CRNP, MSCN, Erin Hendricks, BSN, RN , Caitlin Pileggi, MSN, MSCN, Vanessa Zimmerman, MSN, RN, MSCN
Neurology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

QL15 - Support Group Participation: Effect on Perceptions of Newly Diagnosed MS Patients
Wenhui Zhang, BSN , School of Nursing, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX Heather Becker, PhD, Research Scientist , School of Nursing, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX Alexa Stuifbergen, PhD, RN, FAAN, Dean , School of Nursing, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX Adama Brown, PhD, Research Scientist , School of Nursing, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX Wenhui Zhang, BSN , School of Nursing, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX

QL28 - Symptom Clusters and Social Support: Predicting Health Promotion and Quality of Life of Older Adults with Longstanding Multiple Sclerosis
Kaitlynne Leclaire1, Bonnie I. Glanz2, Allison LaRussa1, Fiona Stuart1, Brian C. Healy1, Jeff Huffman3, Tanuja Chitnis4, Howard L. Weiner1, and Audrey H. Cecil5

1Neurology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brookline, MA;
2Partners Multiple Sclerosis Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brookline, MA;
3Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA;
4Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, Boston, MA;
5Social Work, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Brookline, MA

CG26 - The Feasibility of a Positive Psychology Group Intervention for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Fiona d'Young, MS, CNS, BN, BA, MSCN
Auckland Hospital
Auckland, New Zealand


The MS Co-Design Project: A patient centered co-design project focusing on methods of communication between patients and care providers with the aim of increasing patient self-reports of suspected Multiple Sclerosis (MS) relapses.
Jitender Kalra, B.Sc(H) O.T. (C)
Medical Specialty Clinic
Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre
Alberta Health Services
Red Deer, AB

CC10 - Role of Interdisciplinary Team in Managing Caregiver's Stress
Yvonne C. Learmonth1, Ian M. Rice1, Teresa Ostler2, Laura A. Rice1, Robert W. Motl1

1Kinesiology and Community Health, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL;
2School of Social Work, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL

RH44 - Perspectives of Physical Activity in People with Multiple Sclerosis Who Are Wheelchair Users: Informing the Design of Future Interventions
Andrea Dowdall1, Marilyn Howell2, Angelina Carretta3, Grant Helm1

1MS Quality of Life Project, Monterey, CA;
2MS Quality of Life Project, Carmel, CA;
3MSW Program, CSUMB, Monterey, CA

CG07 - Beyond MS: A Workshop for Families Living with Multiple Sclerosis
Gertrude N. Mapara, MRT, FT1,2 Dorah Nyajena1,3 Gift Ngwende2,3

1Councilling/Rehabilitation, Zimbabwe Open University, Harare, Mashonaland Central, Zimbabwe;
2MS Medical Advisory, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Zimbabwe, Harare, Mashonaland Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe;
3MS Advocacy, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Zimbabwe, Harare, Mashonaland Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

CG12 - A Study to Identify the Psychosocial Needs of Caregivers of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis in Zimbabwe
Kimberly McGuire, PhD
Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation
Psychology and Neuropsychology
West Orange, NJ (USA)

S17 - Effectiveness of a Psychoeducational Wellness Group for Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis
D.L. Hart
Consulting and Research
Focus On Therapeutic Outcomes, Inc.
White Stone, VA (USA)

R.I. Memoli and B. Mason
Rehabilitation, CentraState Healthcare System
Freehold, NJ (USA)

S59 - Developing a Wellness Program for People with Multiple Sclerosis: Description and Initial Results
Sarah Dowdy, MPH & Yolanda Harris, RN, MSCN, CPNP-AC
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, AL (USA)

Taylor Lander
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Alabama Chapter (USA)
Michelle Keating, RN, OCN, MSCN
St. John’s Mercy Medical Center
St. Louis, MO (USA)
Christine Martin, PhD
University of Maryland
Baltimore, MD (USA)