August 2022
Greetings to my fellow IOMSN colleagues!
The past couple of years have brought unprecedented changes to all of our lives, in ways we could have never imagined prior to the pandemic. From the challenges of Shelter-In-Place, attempting to provide high quality health care with a scarcity of resources to the political unrest we have seen around the world, we have weathered quite the storm. Though many issues still abound, I believe we are starting to see glimpses of our society moving forward.
IOMSN has not been immune to these struggles. We have seen many of our colleagues transition to different specialties, new careers, or make the difficult decision to leave behind a beloved career to focus of individual or family needs. Yet, the needs of multiple sclerosis patients haven’t changed, and in some ways are greater than ever. What I know is that nurses are resourceful by definition. I also know that even small collective efforts can produce large impacts.
As I transition into the role of President, it is with great humility that I call upon my colleagues once again to help us build upon the foundation that we have known to answer the calls for help we are hearing from MS patients across the globe. As a member of IOMSN, I hope that you have been able to tap into the many resources this organization provides. If you are unfamiliar with these networking or educational resources, please reach out to your Regional Liaison to learn more about what IOMSN offers.
We have a wonderful foundation within IOMSN, but we need to move the needle forward and that is where I am asking for your ideas. Please feel free to contact me to share ideas or to ask how to become more involved. I long to facilitate a better sense of community for our International Colleagues; but I will need your help to understand what your needs are and how to best begin addressing them.
As travel restrictions and social distancing restrictions are easing, I hope to be able to meet more of you in person. I want to hear your stories and learn from you all. Please feel free to reach out to me. I would love to connect. I know that we can accomplish great things, and I can’t wait to see what the next couple of years brings!
With highest regard,
Marie Moore, MSN, FNP-C, MSCN