Good day, IOMSN members!  I am honored and excited to be able to serve the IOMSN as President for the next 2 years!  This organization is one of the preeminent organizations in MS care, and membership has plenty of privileges.  We are pleased to continue to offer Regional continuing education meetings that bring local MS nursing experts as faculty to cities near you to provide MS care and treatment updates.  Several new cities are on the docket this year, and this high-quality education is always free.  Additionally, we will be able to offer webinars on “Caring for the Patient in Multiple Sclerosis” again, another convenient way for you to stay up to date on hot topics in MS care.

The IOMSN is also investing in re-creation of its mentorship program.  This program was well-received for years, but lost funding.  Because of the importance we feel mentorship brings to professional practice, we have decided to launch the program again.  Additionally, we will be launching a website, LiveWiseMS, for people living with MS.  This site will be written on the college-level, and will provide high-quality, scientific information for patients that I’m sure will also serve the healthcare community well.  We will need your help spreading the word after the launch this fall!  Rachael Stacom is now at the helm of our website, and with the amazing talents of Leny Almeda, you will see a new look to the site in a couple of months.  We look forward to hearing from the membership about these endeavors! 

Thanks to Connie Easterling, Past-president, and June Halper, Executive Director, for continuing to forge the way for the IOMSN to continue its mission internationally of improving the lives of people living with MS through excellent healthcare and instilling hope!

My very best,

Megan Weigel, DNP, ARNP-c, MSCN