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    Awards Committee (June Halper / Thumbs Up / Research)

    A. Goals

    Recognize achievements in IOMSN members as well as important supporters of our work.

      B. Objectives
    1. To acknowledge the work of an IOMSN member or supporter of IOMSN in the clinical, research, education, or advocacy domain.
      a. June Halper Award for clinical expertise.
      b. Thumbs Up Award for non-IOMSN members who support our mission.
      c. Research Award in recognition of achievement in nursing research with an emphasis on MS.

      C. Member Requirements
    1. Full, active membership in IOMSN.
    2. Interest in acknowledging the work of an IOMSN member or supporter of IOMSN.
    3. Available by phone, fax or email as necessary.
    4. Internet accessibility and basic computer skills.

      D. Terms of Membership
    1. Two-year minimum commitment.
    2. Potential reappointment.

      E. Terms of Leadership
    1. Two-year appointment.
    2. Potential reappointment.

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    Bylaws Committee

    A. Goals

    Monitor the clarity, interpretation and use of the Bylaws of IOMSN and to advise on and prepare changes as required.

      B. Objectives
    1. Advise of revisions to the Bylaws of IOMSN.
    2. Draft revisions to the Bylaws as required.
    3. Monitor the consistency of the Bylaws of the IOMSN with the Standard Rules of Procedures and the Terms of Reference for Committees, Work Groups, and Projects.

      C. Member Requirements
    1. Full, active membership in IOMSN.
    2. Interest in developing and/or revising bylaws for IOMSN.
    3. Available by phone, fax or email as necessary.

      D. Terms of Membership
    1. Two-year minimum commitment.
    2. Potential reappointment.

      E. Terms of Leadership
    1. Two-year appointment.
    2. Potential reappointment.

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    Communications Committee

    A. Goals

    Promote and facilitate communication among IOMSN members.

      B. Objectives
    1. Implement and maintain an IOMSN web site with information about IOMSN, members and activities.
    2. Provide a format for Internet communication between IOMSN members through the official website.
    3. Provide links to other appropriate web sites.
    4. Promote the dissemination of current information relevant to the care of people with MS.

      C. Member Requirements
    1. Full, active membership in IOMSN.
    2. Interest in promoting communication for IOMSN.
    3. Available by phone, fax or email as necessary.
    4. Internet accessibility and basic computer skills.

      D. Terms of Membership
    1. Two-year minimum commitment.
    2. Potential reappointment.

      E. Terms of Leadership
    1. Two-year appointment.
    2. Potential reappointment.

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    Education Committee

    A. Goals

    Develop and disseminate educational information to promote nursing care for people with MS.

      B. Objectives
    1. Collaborate with IOMSN Board members and staff in the organization of IOMSN educational activities and programs.
    2. Develop and support of the IOMSN speakers bureau.
    3. Organize and educational resource exchange for nurses.

      C. Member Requirements
    1. Full, active membership in IOMSN.
    2. Interest in developing and promoting educational offerings for IOMSN.
    3. Available by phone, fax or email as necessary.

      D. Terms of Membership
    1. Two-year minimum commitment.
    2. Potential reappointment.

      E. Terms of Leadership
    1. Two-year appointment.
    2. Potential reappointment.

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    External Relations Committee

    A. Goals

    Establish, monitor and maintain relationships with organizations and individuals who support the mission of IOMSN.

      B. Objectives
    1. Facilitate internal and external communication about multiple sclerosis care and research.
    2. Collaborate with IOMSN board and staff to develop and strengthen internal and external relations.
    3. Review proposals submitted to the IOMSN for consideration and provide recommendations to the IOMSN board.

      C. Member Requirements
    1. Full, active membership in IOMSN.
    2. Interest in promoting internal and external relations for IOMSN.
    3. Available by phone, fax or email as deemed necessary.

      D. Terms of Membership
    1. Two-year minimum commitment.
    2. Potential reappointment.

      E. Terms of Leadership
    1. Two-year appointment.
    2. Potential reappointment.

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    Fellowship Committee

    A. Goals

    Support nursing participation in educational fellowships.

      B. Objectives
    1. Support membership in IOMSN.
    2. Provide financial support for nurse’s attendance at meetings related to MS nursing.
    3. Provide an award for a presentation related to MS nursing at the CMSC meeting.
    4. Support funding for the MS certification examination.
    5. Fund nursing research related to MS nursing.

      C. Member Requirements
    1. Full, active membership in IOMSN.
    2. Interest in developing and promoting nurse fellowships for IOMSN.
    3. Available by phone, fax or email as necessary.

      D. Terms of Membership
    1. Two-year minimum commitment.
    2. Potential reappointment.

      E. Terms of Leadership
    1. Two-year appointment.
    2. Potential reappointment.

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    Membership Committee

    A. Goals

    Promote and maintain membership in IOMSN.

      B. Objectives
    1. Recruit new members for IOMSN.
    2. Foster retention of members.
    3. Increase awareness about IOMSN in the MS field.

      C. Member Requirements
    1. Full, active membership in IOMSN.
    2. Interest in developing and promoting membership in IOMSN.
    3. Available by phone, fax or email as deemed necessary.

      D. Terms of Membership
    1. Two-year minimum commitment.
    2. Potential reappointment.

      E. Terms of Leadership
    1. Two-year appointment.
    2. Potential reappointment.

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    Nominating Committee

    A. Goals

    Prepare a slate of nominees to be sent to the full IOMSN membership for vote to fill vacancies of officers and members-at-large.

      B. Objectives
    1. Recruit potential nominees from the membership of IOMSN.
    2. Review experience and leadership qualities to meet the needs of IOMSN.
    3. Select representatives from regions and countries who are members and affiliate members of IOMSN.

      C. Member Requirements
    1. Full, active membership in IOMSN.
    2. Interest in developing and promoting leaders for IOMSN.
    3. Available by phone, fax or email as necessary.

    D. Terms of Membership

    Two-year minimum commitment.

    E. Terms of Leadership

    The Immediate Past President will chair the committee.

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    Research Committee

    A. Goals

    Promote nursing research in the field of MS care and treatment.

      B. Objectives
    1. Provide assistance for proposal development and grant requests by linking with experts in the field.
    2. Provide support for publication of research findings in IOMSN, CMSC and other peer reviewed journals.
    3. Offer scholarships to assist with costs of presentation of research findings at key educational conferences.

      C. Member Requirements
    1. Full, active membership in IOMSN.
    2. Interest in developing and promoting research for IOMSN.
    3. Available by phone, fax or email as necessary.

      D. Terms of Membership
    1. Two-year minimum commitment.
    2. Potential reappointment.

      E. Terms of Leadership
    1. Two-year appointment.
    2. Potential reappointment.